The request can be sent by computer or handwritten (definitely handwritten signature).
Please send the completed and signed contract by Fax to 0049-228 - 651417 or by post:
Vereinigung der Iranischen Ärzte und Zahnärzte in der BRD e. v. (VIA) Association of Iranian Physicians and Dentists in Germany Postfach 260266 D-50515 Köln / Germany
You may abrogate your membership at the end of a business year by fax or mail. Termination of membership shall be made four weeks before the end of Christian year. A justification for termination is not required but would be informative and welcome for the executive board to improve the care of our members.
آخرین بروز رسانی (سه شنبه, 01 اسفند 1391 ساعت 09:24)