Date of birth: 04.05.1949 in Teheran (Iran)
Secondary education:
Graduate of a secondary school/ A-levels school-leaver
(Final examinations=qualifying for university entrance)
in Teheran in 1967
Entering the boarder of the Federal Republic of Germany
in October 1967
Attending the college for studies in Hanover for obtaining
matriculation standard in 1968
Human medicine at the Georg-August-University Goettingen from 1969 -1974
Obtaining license for practising medicine:
01.02.1983, Goettingen: "Hydrocepahlus, surgical
treatment and complications‘‘
Habilitation PhD:
20.04.1995, Luebeck: "Anatomy, surgical-topographic
anatomy and their relevance for microsurgery vascular
and tumorous processes in and with participation of
the sinus cavernous‘‘
Professorship (C3):
Chief assistant medical director of the clinic of
Neurosurgery Medical University Luebeck (MUL)
Continued education and professional career:
01.02. – 31.05.1975 neurosurgical intensive-care unit and neurosurgical operating theatre, clinic for neurosurgery University Goettingen (Director: Professor Dr. med. Otto Spoerri)
01.06. – 30.09.1975 Internal ward of the hospital Herzberg/ Harz (Director: Dr. med. Sarnighausen)
01.11. – 28.02.1976 Specialist hospital Schildautal, clinic for neurosurgery and ward for anesthesia (Chief medical surgeon of neurosurgery: Professor Dr. med. E. R. Schäfer, Medical head of anesthesia: Dr. med. S. Mahal)
January 1976 – March 1977 Assistant doctor at the neurosurgical ward of the specialist hospital clinic Schildtautal and ward for anesthesia
April 1977 – 31.03.1978 Employee for science at the ward for neuropathology of the Medical University Goettingen (Director: Professor Dr. med. Orthner)
April 1978 – March 1982 Assistant doctor of the neurosurgical clinic of the hospital Nordstadt (Director Professor Dr. med. M. Samii)
1982 – February 1994 Chief surgeon of the neurosurgical clinic of the hospital Nordstadt
Since 01.02.1994 Chief assistant director of the clinic for neurosurgery Medical University Luebeck (MUL) (Director: Professor Dr. med. H. Arnold)
Since 01.06.2002 Director Clinic of Neurosurgery with Department for Neurological Neurosurgical Rehabilitation , Clemenshospital Münster
Secondary education:
Graduate of a secondary school/ A-levels school-leaver
(Final examinations=qualifying for university entrance)
in Teheran in 1967
Entering the boarder of the Federal Republic of Germany
in October 1967
Attending the college for studies in Hanover for obtaining
matriculation standard in 1968
Human medicine at the Georg-August-University Goettingen from 1969 -1974
Obtaining license for practising medicine:
01.02.1983, Goettingen: "Hydrocepahlus, surgical
treatment and complications‘‘
Habilitation PhD:
20.04.1995, Luebeck: "Anatomy, surgical-topographic
anatomy and their relevance for microsurgery vascular
and tumorous processes in and with participation of
the sinus cavernous‘‘
Professorship (C3):
Chief assistant medical director of the clinic of
Neurosurgery Medical University Luebeck (MUL)
Continued education and professional career:
01.02. – 31.05.1975 neurosurgical intensive-care unit and neurosurgical operating theatre, clinic for neurosurgery University Goettingen (Director: Professor Dr. med. Otto Spoerri)
01.06. – 30.09.1975 Internal ward of the hospital Herzberg/ Harz (Director: Dr. med. Sarnighausen)
01.11. – 28.02.1976 Specialist hospital Schildautal, clinic for neurosurgery and ward for anesthesia (Chief medical surgeon of neurosurgery: Professor Dr. med. E. R. Schäfer, Medical head of anesthesia: Dr. med. S. Mahal)
January 1976 – March 1977 Assistant doctor at the neurosurgical ward of the specialist hospital clinic Schildtautal and ward for anesthesia
April 1977 – 31.03.1978 Employee for science at the ward for neuropathology of the Medical University Goettingen (Director: Professor Dr. med. Orthner)
April 1978 – March 1982 Assistant doctor of the neurosurgical clinic of the hospital Nordstadt (Director Professor Dr. med. M. Samii)
1982 – February 1994 Chief surgeon of the neurosurgical clinic of the hospital Nordstadt
Since 01.02.1994 Chief assistant director of the clinic for neurosurgery Medical University Luebeck (MUL) (Director: Professor Dr. med. H. Arnold)
Since 01.06.2002 Director Clinic of Neurosurgery with Department for Neurological Neurosurgical Rehabilitation , Clemenshospital Münster